The teaching and learning of RE at Little Digmoor links directly to our whole school curriculum intent. We believe that RE prepares children for life in our ever-increasing diverse society. Through our curriculum, children gain an understanding of faiths from around the world and what their worldviews and beliefs are. The faiths we look at are Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam.  

Our RE lessons give children the opportunity to respond to life’s ‘big questions’, understand key religious concepts, explore diversity and contribute to informed discussions. Children will explore the four key concepts: beliefs, practices, wisdom and morality, and community and belonging. They will draw on their own personal experiences and consider their positionality, thinking about their own beliefs whilst being open and considerate to others. Each RE lesson has an over-arching question for children to explore using different faiths’ views. 

Our RE curriculum supports children’s learning of the British Values, including individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.  

We have chosen to use Kapow Primary’s ‘Religion and Worldviews’ scheme to support our planning and delivery of the RE curriculum. Kapow’s scheme is aligned with the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus (LAC) for Religious Education, published in 2021. Kapow aim to provide a more inclusive understanding of beliefs, fostering of critical thinking and respect for diverse perspectives among children. They want children to dive deeper into traditions, rituals, and theologies through multiple lenses.

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