Hello and welcome to Badgers class. Here at Little Digmoor, Badgers comprises our Year 5 children aged 9 and 10. The class is taught by Mr Jackson and several other members of staff contribute to the well-being and welfare of the children throughout the day. 

Year 5 is an important year as the content of the curriculum very closely resembles the material that will appear on the Year 6 SATs. Children are expected to have a high level of independence within the class and autonomy with regards to the running of the classroom. Children have jobs throughout the year where they learn additional responsibilities.  

With a weekly PE and swimming lesson we are certainly very busy. PE is on a Monday afternoon and children are to wear a white top and black shorts. Swimming is on Thursday and children need to only bring a swimming costume and towel (caps are provided). 

Year 5 Long Term Plan

Updated: 14/03/2024 273 KB